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The Best Way to Find Something Great to Watch from the People You Trust the Most.

CliqWatch lets you review, rate and recommend shows with your friends. Create your ‘cliq’ today.

The Ultimate Curated Watchlist.

Keep track of the shows you want to watch. No need to watch 
endless trailers to find something great

The Ultimate Curated Watchlist

Keep track of the shows you want to watch. No need to watch endless trailers to find something great

How It Works.


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across the entire app.


Keep a list of all the shows 
you are waiting to watch, 
review, and share.

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A personal diary of all the shows 
you've watched and the community. 
or 'cliq' you share them with.

How It Works


Find new shows that are 
trending in your 'cliq' or 
across the entire app.


Keep a list of all the shows 
you are waiting to watch, 
review, and share.

My Profile

A personal diary of all the shows 
you've watched and the community. 
or 'cliq' you share them with.


"Surveys show we spend more than 
a hundred days of our lives choosing 
what to watch."


"Surveys show we spend more than 
a hundred days of our lives choosing 
what to watch."


Hear what CliqWatch Users Have to Say.

We will never fake or buy reviews, we'll leave that for the big brands.

Hear what CliqWatch Users Have to Say.

We will never fake or buy reviews, we'll leave that for the big brands.

Binge More, Scroll Less.

Watch fewer trailers and more shows and movies, CliqWatch gives you 
the best possible recommendations because they're from the people you 
know and trust. No more nonsensical reviews from random watchers or 
paid bots. Reviews and ratings just got personal.

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Binge More, Scroll Less

Watch fewer trailers and more shows and movies, CliqWatch gives you 
the best possible recommendations because they're from the people you 
know and trust. No more nonsensical reviews from random watchers or 
paid bots. Reviews and ratings just got personal.

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